Welcome to

Naroll EcoWorld

Health . Happiness . Wealth . Travel . Beauty . Dance

This is where our community comes together, learn, travel, explore, experience, party, dance, sing and enjoy life.

There is a currency more powerful than money: Giving.

We learn how to use it together. We learn to create wealth, health, good relationships, find partners for life, build a family, reverse chronic illness, obesity and aging fast. Learn how to become faster, stronger, think, remember better and healthier.

Find out how life really works.

Important basic life lessons that everyone must learn early in life

Wisdom | Giving | Gratitude | Collaboration | Mindfulness | Compassion | Love | Kindness| Understanding | I Do not Know | Life Long Learning

Learn the Secret of Success

It is very important to learn ancient wisdom early in life as part of our basic education. Having access to these ancient tools of wisdom passed down through generations can change our life’s path to one of success.

How do you achieve health, wealth and real happiness?

How do you get what you want?

Learn how this world really works.

For thousands of years, teachers from all walks of life from business tycoons to religious teachers have been using a similar tool for achieving success:

What you reap is what you sow.

This is a fundamental pattern and law of the universe, where what you give is what you get.

Give to Get What You Want

Planting an apple tree will not give you durians. If you want durians, you must plant a durian tree.

If you are looking for wealth, you have to sow seeds of wealth around you and help make the people around you wealthy. These people can be your boss, colleagues, family, even your competitors!

When we practise giving away part of our money, our mindset will change from scarcity to abundance and we can easily see where to reap more wealth.

Employees who steal their boss's customers and business tend to end up having their staff sabotage their own business too. They may also suffer bad health and relationships later in life.

What the employee could have done is to maintain a good relationship with his ex-boss while seeking better and new untapped business opportunities.

For example, a dentist who rounded up other dentists to list a company, or a restaurant owner working with a big number of competitors to list a company to make big profits.

Chasing after money is not a good idea. Instead of entering a saturated market that already has too many solution providers, it is better to open a business to provide solutions for the world. People who tend to make money are the ones who try to solve problems.

Planting on Fertile Ground can Reap Abundance

Following the laws of nature, planting an apple tree doesn't give you just one apple, but hundreds of apples in its lifetime.

Learn to plant good seeds on fertile grounds. Fertile grounds are your parents, teachers, boss, benefactors, churches, temples, places which have taught and benefited you. All good deeds done within your fertile community will reap better harvest as opposed to helping strangers.

The concept of reaping what you sow works for all things. For example, if you want to be happy, make those around you happy. If you want respect, treat those around you with respect.

Find the Positive Side of Each Situation

Think, speak and do positive. Remember that everything has two sides.

When under correction, we may see our benefactors, parents, bosses or church as bad. How we view them is our choice. Do we see them as trying to help us improve, or as constantly criticising? What we see is usually an illusion and not the truth. We cannot even see ourselves clearly.

Do not judge too quickly or presume you are right. Even a bad person can be a benefactor in another person’s viewpoint.

When you think your benefactor is bad, try to change your perspective. Distance yourself until you change your view. Do not plant negative seeds to retaliate as others will observe and know that you do bad to those who help you. Many doors may close.

To find a good spouse, we need to plant ‘good spouse’ seeds like doing frequent charity work. A good spouse will appear when you do enough good deeds. Your spouse can become even better with time as you do more good deeds. Vice versa, nagging or negative speech may turn your spouse bad.

It is the same for your children, colleagues, in-laws or any relationships.

Channel our Ego as a Force for Good

We all have a powerful resource at our fingertips: our ego. Our ego is like fuel for fire. It can be used to do amazing things for the community, just like fire can provide warmth, cooking and light.

However if left uncontrolled, this fire can destroy forests, communities and even take lives. Anger is a sign of our ego taking over. Do not get angry. Take a deep breath. Instead, choose kindness, compassion, giving, gratitude and understanding to solve the problem.

Engaging in excessive idle and ego talk lets ego control our life. The more we talk, the cloudier the water becomes. Silence allows the mud to settle so we can see clearly to control our ego and use it positively.

Think, Speak and Do Positive to Get What You Want

Many marriages, relationships, wealth, health and happiness are lost because we allow our ego to control our life.

People may scold, reprimand or say negative things to their spouses, believing that they are correcting them and helping them to change. They learn to do this from mass media, tv dramas and negative suggestions. This is incorrect.

Always practise: think, speak and do positive.

Good husband-wife relationships cannot be based on luck or love. It is based on learning and practising wisdom, and constant effort in building an amazing relationship together with help of good teachers and wisdom teaching organisations.

Demanding for things is like robbing our spouse. People may give in to us initially but there is a big price to pay later, like a robber.

Instead, speak and do positive tasks. Give others what they want to get others to give us what we want.

When we learn that everything comes from the seeds we plant, we have the power to change ourselves to alter the situation.

Similarly, many chronic illnesses can be easily reversed if we plant health seeds and practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness as a Tool to Control our Ego

Learning to control our ego is a challenge for everyone. Practising mindfulness daily is the key to controlling this ego-superpower. With mindfulness, we can tap into this ego-superpower and use it to plant the seeds we want to see in our lives.

Naroll is about consistently, proactively & systematically seeking the truth on real health, wealth & happiness by practising mindfulness.

To have health, help others get health

To have happiness, help others get happiness

To have wealth, help others get wealth

Most of us can accept and understand the above but we seldom practise it because we get distracted. At Naroll we have reminders and support groups to help us achieve this.


Lamsoon Building, 63 Hillview Avenue Singapore 669569

School of Health meroll.com
Wealth, Happiness & Wisdom
Shoe, Fashion, Web Design, Social Media, Marketing Sales
Our community has volunteered their house, car, motorbike and bicycle for use in different cities
Our collaboration partners have lots of dancing events all around the world everyday
Through giving, gratitude and collaboration, we have travelled and partied in many cities around the world like Cuba, Argentina, England, France, China, HK, Taiwan, India, US, Maldives, Thailand, Indonesia and many more